Smoked bonito lasagna


  • 2 cans of NATURAL FISH smoked bonito pieces

Red sauce

  • 4 tomatoes
  • 1/2 small onion
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1/2 carrot
  • 10 basil leaves
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 splash of red wine

Red sauce preparation

Blend the tomato, onion, garlic and carrot and cook in a pot over low heat, then add the bay leaves and basil leaves cut into strips. When it has reduced for approximately 45 minutes over low heat, add a splash. of red wine and we reserve that sauce.

White sauce

  • 30 g of butter
  • 50 g of flour
  • 300 ml evaporated milk
  • Zest of 1/2 nutmeg (small)
  • Salt to taste

White sauce preparation

We melt the butter and mix with the flour, add the milk and stir with a balloon whisk to homogenize the mixture. We finish with the grated nutmeg and salt.

To assemble the lasagna we need 2 cans of SMOKED BONITO PIECES FROM NATURAL FISH which we will mix with the red sauce and we will build in layers, one of red sauce with smoked bonito and another of white sauce with Mozzarella cheese which we will separate with sheets of wonton dough.

Then we bake it for 20 minutes at 250 degrees and serve.

Find the preparation video of this recipe Here

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