Name *
First surname *
Second surname *
Type of documentation *
Documentation number *
Cellphone *
Department *
Province *
District *
Address *
Reference *
Email *
Are you under 18? *YesNo
Type of complaint *ClaimComplaint
Type of consumption *ProductService
Order number *
Date of claim / complaint *
Provider *
Claimed amount (S/.) *
Description *
Purchase date *
Date of consumption *
Expiration date *
Details of the Claim / Complaint, as indicated by the client *
Customer's Order *
I declare that I am the owner of the service and accept the content of this form by declaring under oath the truthfulness of the facts described.
* The formulation of the complaint does not exclude the use of other means of dispute resolution, nor is it a prerequisite for filing a complaint with the Indecopi.” * The provider must respond to the complaint within a maximum period of thirty (30) calendar days, with the possibility of extending the period up to thirty days. * With the signature of this document, the customer authorizes to be contacted after the processing of the complaint to evaluate the quality and satisfaction of the complaints handling process.
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